«GumiZel» is a new word in agriculture

Today a global smooth transition occurs from the use of traditional chemical fertilizers to the use of environmentally friendly fertilizers that do not harm nature, but at the same time increase productivity and are comparable in price to existing mass-produced fertilizers.

GumiZel® complex fertilizer consists of zeolite which is modified with the use of active components and nutrients. Moreover zeolite itself, oceanic or volcanic, already contains potassium, phosphorus a number of useful microelements and amorphous silicon which is crucial for the growth of the root system and plant stem. We modify zeolite by the use of a patented technology.



GumiZel® being applied to the soil contributes to more yielding and environmentally friendly crops. GumiZel® technology is used to prepare soil for growing seedlings, fruits, herbs, cereals, vegetables and for gardening. Our technology can be used outdoors as well as in greenhouses. GumiZel® is especially good at growing cereals and potatoes.

GumiZel® complex fertilizer has the ability to accumulate and give off a large amount of moisture, so it nourishes plants evenly for a long period of time. GumiZel® has an ion-exchange capacity, so it nourishes the roots of plants with the needed minerals and binds the ions of radionuclides and heavy metals.

You need to apply 250 to 500 kg of GumiZel® per hectare of arable land at once before sowing or planting for high yielding crops. All nutrients, humic acid, fulvic acid and amino  acid which are contained in micropores (8-12 nm) of GumiZel®, are involved in metabolic processes throughout the entire vegetation period of plants. The recommended application rate is 250 to 500 kg per hectare (depending on the culture).


