
Hybrid Innovations company carries out all embracing deliveries of the equipment, spare parts, machinery, electric equipment and devices for the enterprises of the coal industry.

Main principle of our company is precise observance of all arrangements and terms of delivery of the equipment, technical devices and complementary parts

We can grant you a flexible system of discounts, various terms of delivery and payment and we constantly expand the range of offered products.


If you cooperate with our company you will receive:

  • the newest equipment;
  • professional consultations from highly qualified experts how to furnish your enterprise with the equipment and and how to maintain it;
  • individual planning of deliveries;
  • the flexible pricing policy.

Making use of our experience we will prepare the optimal solution considering specification of your enterprise.

Our purpose is to support and to develop business of our clients by offering competent decisions in maintenance of  the mountain-mining, quarry, electrical, technical and concentrating equipment, as well as the partnership based on the complex approach and aiming to the high quality of offered products and services.



We offer the following equipment:

  • The mountain-mining equipment for preparatory, underground and extracting mining works, including: mechanised long-wall mining equipment, large drag-liners, chisel installations;
  • quarry equipment;
  • electrical and technical equipment for mines and open-cast mines,
  • the concentrating equipment;
  • the compressor equipment;
  • the technical sealing products;
  • spare parts to all offered equipment;
  • the special machinery, including: hydraulic dredges, mining bulldozers, mining-ore front loaders, dump-body trucks, boring machines, big load-carrying capacity lorries, bucket loader, cranes etc.

We are assured that our cooperation will be long and mutually advantageous.